About The Start Trains Walls RTA-crew
Home History


german version


"Those who were good in those days, congregated to paint the wall near the Diebsteich train station.
Months before that the lower part of the wall was already covered with styles of 3m height in silver.
Each participant went out 3 or 4 times per week to pinch spray-cans, and considering 4-5 cans per shop, the final quantity was quite impressive. Four ladders were "organized" and they walked right across the borough of Bahrenfeld by night with the ladders: two long ones for the upper part, two shorter ones for the lower part.
ENRO contributed the biggest number of cans and hence his name was also accepted for the wall.
In total 9 people participated, and whilst 4 were painting, the other 5 were on guard.
All sketches were copied so that the letters could be finished in teamwork, different writers working simutaneously on the upper and lower half. When the action started, all 9 participants came to the wall from different places. After one hour the outlines were finished and the lower part filled. However they were interrupted by the first commuter train, which was expected an hour later due to the construction work on the Stresemannstreet-bridge nearby. So when the first train cut into the action, they hastily picked up the cans and ladders, bunkered them and beat it.
They couldn't have continued 3-4 weeks later, it would have been much too risky. Therefore they decided to cover the wall with paint after one week."


© 1999 double-h